Really Good
This game is great, no doubt about that but there are some major things that need to change. Getting knocked into space is really annoying. Also, the fact that enemies ONLY attack you is a major problem. They're clearly separate teams so why do they only attack us? only Chuck Norris knows the answer. Also, a few money issues came into play here too. The health remaining money payout is way to iffy, as in once you max out one or two people, you can earn more money to max out another soldier, then wash rinse and repeat, 'till you get everyone maxed out and you earn >12000$ a game. Not good, specifically when you can max everything out after he first few levels. Also, the enemy troops have way to good of accuracy. They could loop it in and around planets ten times the hit one of my soldiers clear on the other side of the map, making it hard for me to hit them back at the early levels. And they often accidentally committed suicide. However entertaining that may be, they shouldn't be able to do that. HOWEVER, the game has great physics, great animation, art, game-play, concept, leveling up system, music, weapons, and more. this game has a lot to offer, but it just needs some touch-ups.